1. Choose the correct option. 1. Greg mentioned that for a new job. - he will require - he required - will he require

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1. Choose the correct option. 1. Greg mentioned that for a new job. - he will require - he required - will he require
2. Tim complained about working at four o"clock in the morning. - is working - will be working - was working
3. He stated that he had already seen that film. - had already seen - has already seen - was seen
4. Anna explained to me that the hairdresser"s is located down the road. - is situated - was situated - locates
5. Charles mentioned that he would call me the following day. - would have called - will call - would call
6. Bill asked me what I had made for dinner the day before. - I have made - I had made - had I made
7. He said that if I ask Kathrin, she would help me. - asked / will help - will ask / would help - would ask / will help
1. Choose the correct option:

1. Greg mentioned that for a new job, he will require. - Ответ: он будет требовать.
Обоснование: В данном случае мы говорим о будущих действиях, поэтому необходимо использовать форму будущего времени "will require".

2. Tim complained about working at four o"clock in the morning. - Ответ: was working.
Обоснование: В данном случае используется прошедшее время, так как Тим жаловался на работу, совершенную в прошлом.

3. He stated that he had already seen that film. - Ответ: had already seen.
Обоснование: Указатель "already" указывает на то, что действие произошло до настоящего момента, а также употребление Past Perfect из-за наличия указателя времени "that film".

4. Anna explained to me that the hairdresser"s is located down the road. - Ответ: is situated.
Обоснование: В данном случае мы говорим о текущем местоположении парикмахерской, поэтому используется форма настоящего времени "is situated".

5. Charles mentioned that he would call me the following day. - Ответ: would call.
Обоснование: Здесь мы говорим о неопределенном будущем времени, поэтому используется форма "would call".

6. Bill asked me what I had made for dinner. - Ответ: had made.
Обоснование: Здесь используется форма Past Perfect, так как мы говорим о действии, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом - ужин, который я приготовил.