1. Do Andreas and Maria visit their neighbor s house to extend an invitation for the party? True False 2. Do Andreas

  • 67
1. Do Andreas and Maria visit their neighbor"s house to extend an invitation for the party? True False
2. Do Andreas and Maria identify themselves as the Sanchez family when talking to their neighbor? True False
3. Does Betty share some spare dishes with Andreas and Maria? True False

Fill in the blanks. Use no more than ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

4. Where is the party taking place? It is at the new residence of the Fernandez family.
5. When is the party scheduled to happen and at what time does it begin? The party is on Saturday and it commences at o"clock.
1. False. Andreas and Maria do not visit their neighbor"s house to extend an invitation for the party.
2. False. Andreas and Maria do not identify themselves as the Sanchez family when talking to their neighbor.
3. False. Betty does not share any spare dishes with Andreas and Maria.

4. The party is taking place at the new residence of the Fernandez family.
- Место проведения вечеринки - новое жилье семьи Фернандес.

5. The party is scheduled to happen on Saturday. The exact time of commencement is not provided in the question.
- Вечеринка запланирована на субботу. Время начала не указано в вопросе.