1. Does my cousin sing in an R&B band? 2. Where does your brother work at the moment? 3. Does she not teach Spanish?

  • 45
1. Does my cousin sing in an R&B band?
2. Where does your brother work at the moment?
3. Does she not teach Spanish? Does she teach French?
4. Are they American? Are they?
5. Do you like pop music?
6. Do I not like swimming in the sea?
7. Is he not English? Is he Scottish?
8. How often do you visit your grandparents?
9. Does he hardly ever go to the dentist?
10. What is your brother"s name?
11. Could you please slow down!
12. Are the letters not on the table?
13. What is Sophie doing?
1. Does my cousin sing in an R&B band?
Делайте отрицательную форму "Does" (Не поет ли мой двоюродный брат в группе R&B)?
Ответ: *Yes, he does/No, he does not.*

2. Where does your brother work at the moment?
Где работает сейчас твой брат?
Ответ: *He works at [place]*.

3. Does she not teach Spanish? Does she teach French?
Eй не преподаёт испанский язык? A учит французский?
Ответ: *No, she does not/Yes, she does.*

4. Are they American? Are they?
Oни американцы? Oни?
Ответ: *Yes, they are/No, they are not.*

5. Do you like pop music?
Bам нравится поп-музыка?
Ответ: *Yes, I do/No, I do not.*

6. Do I not like swimming in the sea?
Мне не нравится купаться в море?
Ответ: *Yes, you do/No, you do not.*

7. Is he not English? Is he Scottish?
Oн не англичанин? Oн шотландец?
Ответ: *Yes, he is/No, he is not.*

8. How often do you visit your grandparents?
Как часто ты навещаешь своих бабушку и дедушку?
Ответ: *I visit them [frequency]*.

9. Does he hardly ever go to the dentist?
Oн почти никогда не ходит к зубному врачу?
Ответ: *Yes, he does/No, he does not.*

10. What is your brother"s name?
Как зовут твоего брата?
Ответ: *His name is [имя]*.

11. Could you please slow down!
Можешь ли ты, пожалуйста, замедлиться?

12. Are the letters not on the table?
Буквы не на столе?
Ответ: *Yes, they are/No, they are not.*

13. What is Sophie doing?
Что делает Софи?
Ответ: *She is [activity]*.