1. Doesn t this jacket suit me,? 2. Shall we go out tonight,? 3. Hasn t Nina seen this film already,? 4. Can you open

  • 45
1. Doesn"t this jacket suit me,?
2. Shall we go out tonight,?
3. Hasn"t Nina seen this film already,?
4. Can you open the front door,?
5. Wasn"t the news depressing,?
6. Does Mary have black hair,?
7. Isn"t she about fifty,?
8. Shouldn"t you close the window,?
9. Do you enjoy modern art,?
10. Did Oleg come from Murmansk,
11. Can we inquire at the tourist office,?
12. Is she not paying attention to me,?
13. Didn"t I tell you once,?
14. Pay close attention,?
15. Hadn"t you met Fred before,?
16. Do mice like cheese,?
17. Had he never been there before,?
18. Should I not have lost my temper,?
19. Is there
Рад помочь вам с этими вопросами! Все они имеют отрицательную форму, и вам нужно дать утвердительные ответы, согласно правилам английского языка. Вот полный список вопросов и ответов:

1. Doesn’t this jacket suit me?
Ответ: Yes, this jacket suits you.

2. Shall we go out tonight?
Ответ: Yes, we shall go out tonight.

3. Hasn’t Nina seen this film already?
Ответ: Yes, Nina has seen this film already.

4. Can you open the front door?
Ответ: Yes, I can open the front door.

5. Wasn’t the news depressing?
Ответ: Yes, the news was depressing.

6. Does Mary have black hair?
Ответ: Yes, Mary has black hair.

7. Isn’t she about fifty?
Ответ: Yes, she is about fifty.

8. Shouldn’t you close the window?
Ответ: Yes, I should close the window.

9. Do you enjoy modern art?
Ответ: Yes, I enjoy modern art.

10. Did Oleg come from Murmansk?
Ответ: Yes, Oleg came from Murmansk.

11. Can we inquire at the tourist office?
Ответ: Yes, we can inquire at the tourist office.

12. Is she not paying attention to me?
Ответ: Yes, she is not paying attention to me.

13. Didn’t I tell you once?
Ответ: Yes, you told me once.

14. Pay close attention.
Ответ: Yes, pay close attention.

15. Hadn’t you met Fred before?
Ответ: Yes, I had met Fred before.

16. Do mice like cheese?
Ответ: Yes, mice like cheese.

17. Had he never been there before?
Ответ: Yes, he had never been there before.

18. Should I not have lost my temper?
Ответ: Yes, you should not have lost your temper.

19. Are they not coming to the party?
Ответ: Yes, they are not coming to the party.

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