1. Explain the use of perfect tenses, and translate: 1. This book is excellent, I just finished reading it and enjoyed

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1. Explain the use of perfect tenses, and translate: 1. This book is excellent, I just finished reading it and enjoyed it. 2. He has not been present this week because he has been sick. 3. I haven"t seen you for a long time. Where have you been all this time? 4. We haven"t received any news about her since 1989. 5. Before the lecture started, the lab assistant had brought all the necessary diagrams. 6. Prior to attending the next lecture, we had studied the material from the first one. 7. Have you completed your thesis yet? No, I will have finished it by the end of June. 8. They will not have successfully passed.
Perfect tenses are used to talk about actions or events that are completed or have a connection to the present or future. They indicate a finished action or a state that existed at a specific point in time.

1. This book is excellent, I just finished reading it and enjoyed it.
- Эта книга отличная, я только что закончил ее читать и наслаждаюсь ею.
- In this sentence, the present perfect tense "I have finished" is used to indicate that the action of finishing reading the book happened in the past, but it has a connection to the present because the speaker is currently enjoying the book.

2. He has not been present this week because he has been sick.
- Он не присутствовал на этой неделе, потому что был болен.
- Here, the present perfect continuous tense "has been sick" is used to indicate that the state of being sick started in the past and is still continuing in the present. The lack of presence this week is a result of this ongoing sickness.

3. I haven"t seen you for a long time. Where have you been all this time?
- Я не видел тебя долгое время. Где ты был все это время?
- The present perfect tense "have seen" is used to express the action of not seeing the person in the past and continuing up until now. The question "Where have you been?" implies that the speaker is curious about the person"s whereabouts during the entire duration of the absence.

4. We haven"t received any news about her since 1989.
- Мы не получали никаких новостей о ней с 1989 года.
- The present perfect tense "have received" is used to convey the idea that the action of receiving news about her has not happened at any point since the year 1989 and it continues to be true in the present.

5. Before the lecture started, the lab assistant had brought all the necessary diagrams.
- Перед началом лекции лаборант принес все необходимые диаграммы.
- In this sentence, the past perfect tense "had brought" is used to indicate that the action of bringing the diagrams occurred before the lecture started. It emphasizes the sequence of events and the fact that the diagrams were in place before the lecture.

6. Prior to attending the next lecture, we had studied the material from the first one.
- Перед посещением следующей лекции мы изучили материал с первой.
- The past perfect tense "had studied" is used to express the action of studying the material from the first lecture before attending the next one. It indicates that the studying happened first and gives a sense of chronology.

7. Have you completed your thesis yet? No, I will have finished it by the end of June.
- Ты уже закончил свою дипломную работу? Нет, я закончу ее к концу июня.
- The present perfect tense "have completed" is used to ask about the current status of the thesis. The future perfect tense "will have finished" is used to express the completion of the thesis by a specific point in the future, the end of June.

8. They will not have...
- Они не будут иметь...
- The sentence is incomplete, so I cannot provide a translation without more information.