1. Fill in the missing vowels for different types of art and materials: s...lv...r, f...sh...n d...s...gn, br...nz

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1. Fill in the missing vowels for different types of art and materials: s...lv...r, f...sh...n d...s...gn, br...nz..., l... ndsc...p, st...n, p...rtr...t, g...ld, sc...lpt...r, w...d...n, gr...ff...t
2. Complete the sentences using the present simple passive form of the verbs in brackets: These computer keyboards are made in China. This newspaper is read by millions of people every morning. English is spoken all over the world. The London underground is used by millions of people every day. Plastic and glass bottles are recycled in a special factory.
3. Rewrite the sentence from active to passive voice: The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
1. Fill in the missing vowels for different types of art and materials: серебро, фэшн дизайн, бронза, ландскап, стан, портрет, золото, скульптор, дерево, граффити.

2. Complete the sentences using the present simple passive form of the verbs in brackets: Эти компьютерные клавиатуры изготавливаются в Китае. Эту газету читают миллионы людей каждое утро. Английский разговаривается повсюду по всему миру. Лондонское метро используется миллионами людей каждый день. Пластиковые и стеклянные бутылки перерабатываются на специальной фабрике.

3. Rewrite the sentence from active to passive voice: "He wrote a book." - "A book was written by him." ("Книга была написана им.")