1. Have you ever (try) sushi before? 2. She (live) in New York for two years now. 3. How many times have you (visit

  • 70
1. Have you ever (try) sushi before?
2. She (live) in New York for two years now.
3. How many times have you (visit) Paris?
4. He (read) that book already.
5. They (not/watch) the new movie yet.
6. We (not/eat) at this restaurant before.
7. Has your sister (meet) the new neighbors?
8. I (see) that movie twice.
9. Have they (finish) their homework yet?
10. How long has he (study) Spanish?
1. Try) Have you ever tried sushi before?
2. live) She has been living in New York for two years now.
3. visit) How many times have you visited Paris?
4. read) He has already read that book.
5. not/watch) They have not watched the new movie yet.
6. not/eat) We have not eaten at this restaurant before.
7. meet) Has your sister met the new neighbors?
8. see) I have seen that movie twice.
9. finish) Have they finished their homework yet?
10. study) How long has he been studying Spanish?

1. (try) - Did you ever try sushi before?
2. (live) - She has been living in New York for two years now.
3. (visit) - How many times have you visited Paris?
4. (read) - He has already read that book.
5. (not/watch) - They haven"t watched the new movie yet.
6. (not/eat) - We haven"t eaten at this restaurant before.
7. (meet) - Has your sister met the new neighbors?
8. (see) - I have seen that movie twice.
9. (finish) - Have they finished their homework yet?
10. (study) - How long has he been studying Spanish?

1. (try) - Вы когда-нибудь пробовали суши раньше?
2. (live) - Она живет в Нью-Йорке уже два года.
3. (visit) - Сколько раз вы посещали Париж?
4. (read) - Он уже прочитал ту книгу.
5. (not/watch) - Они еще не смотрели новый фильм.
6. (not/eat) - Мы еще не ели в этом ресторане.
7. (meet) - Встречалась ли твоя сестра с новыми соседями?
8. (see) - Я уже два раза смотрел этот фильм.
9. (finish) - Они уже закончили свою домашнюю работу?
10. (study) - Как долго он изучает испанский язык?