1. Have you visited ________ museum in our town? 2. I saw ________ movie you recommended and it was amazing. 3

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1. Have you visited ________ museum in our town?
2. I saw ________ movie you recommended and it was amazing.
3. Can you pass ________ salt, please?
4. He plays ________ piano like a professional.
5. ________ old man asked me for directions to the nearest bus station.
6. My brother bought ________ new car last week.
7. She has ________ appointment with her doctor tomorrow morning.
8. I need to buy ________ new pair of shoes for the party.
9. ________ lion is one of the most majestic animals in the world.
10. ________ university in our city offers a great engineering program.
1. Have you visited _the_ museum in our town?
Посетили ли вы _музей_ в нашем городе?

2. I saw _the_ movie you recommended and it was amazing.
Я посмотрел _фильм_, который вы рекомендовали, и он был потрясающим.

3. Can you pass _the_ salt, please?
Можете передать _соль_, пожалуйста?

4. He plays _the_ piano like a professional.
Он играет на _фортепиано_ словно профессионал.

5. _An_ old man asked me for directions to the nearest bus station.
_Старик_ попросил меня указать ему дорогу до ближайшей автобусной остановки.

6. My brother bought _a_ new car last week.
Мой брат купил _новую машину_ на прошлой неделе.

7. She has _an_ appointment with her doctor tomorrow morning.
У нее есть _встреча_ со своим врачом завтра утром.

8. I need to buy _a_ new pair of shoes for the party.
Мне нужно купить _новую пару обуви_ на вечеринку.

9. _The_ lion is one of the most majestic animals in the world.
_Лев_ - одно из самых величественных животных на Земле.

10. _The_ university in our city offers a great engineering program.
_Университет_ в нашем городе предлагает отличную программу по инженерии.