1) His voice resonated with power. Answer: There was strength in his voice. 2) His compressed lips did not move

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1) "His voice resonated with power." Answer: "There was strength in his voice."
2) "His compressed lips did not move, his furrowed eyebrows did not relax. HE appeared as if he was squinting from the fire." Answer: "His lips were tightly pressed together, his eyebrows were furrowed and he seemed to be squinting as if from a fire."
3) "His boots with low shafts were exactly his own boots - not his father"s." Answer: "His boots with short shafts were unmistakably his own - not his father"s."
4) "He was lying on the ground, huddled under a rough homespun cloth, and only occasionally would he expose his russet curly head from underneath it. This boy was only seven years old." Answer: "He lay on the ground, huddled under a coarse homespun cloth, and only occasionally would he peek his russet curly head out from beneath it. This child was merely seven years old."
5) "He was of small stature, with a frail build and dressed quite poorly." Answer: "He was small in size, of a frail build, and dressed rather poorly."
он поднимать голову, чтобы увидеть, как шел дождь." Ответ: "Он лежал на земле, прижимаясь к грубой суконной ткани, и только время от времени поднимал голову, чтобы увидеть, как идет дождь."

5) "She looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eye." Ответ: "Она посмотрела на меня с хитрой искоркой в глазах."

6) "The sun cast long shadows across the field." Ответ: "Солнце бросало длинные тени через поле."

7) "The wind whispered through the trees." Ответ: "Ветер шептался сквозь деревья."

8) "The room was pitch black, with no source of light." Ответ: "Комната была полностью темной, без источников света."

9) "Her face lit up with joy." Ответ: "Ее лицо засияло от радости."

10) "The scent of fresh flowers filled the room." Ответ: "Аромат свежих цветов наполнил комнату."

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