1. I ve been working all morning. Which of the following options is correct? 2. He got bronchitis and was taken

  • 48
1. I"ve been working all morning. Which of the following options is correct?

2. He got bronchitis and was taken to the hospital. Which of the following options is correct?

3. We are going for a walk now. Which of the following options is correct?

4. It was raining all day, so we couldn"t go out. Which of the following options is correct?

5. Please hold on, I"ll see if the manager is in. Which of the following options is correct?

6. I"ve decided to join this club. Which of the following options is correct?

7. He thanked me for what I did the previous week. Which of the following options is correct?
1. "I"ve been working all morning" implies that the action of working started in the past and is still ongoing at the time of speaking. Therefore, the correct option would be "Я работаю всё утро." This form indicates that the action is still in progress.

2. "He got bronchitis and was taken to the hospital" describes a past event where someone contracted bronchitis and was subsequently hospitalized. The correct option is "Он заболел бронхитом и был доставлен в больницу." This form accurately conveys the sequence of events.

3. "We are going for a walk now" indicates a present action that is happening at the moment of speaking. The correct option would be "Мы идём гулять сейчас." This form reflects the ongoing activity in the present.

4. "It was raining all day, so we couldn"t go out" talks about a past event where rain prevented us from going outside. The correct option is "Весь день шёл дождь, поэтому мы не могли выйти." This form correctly conveys the past continuous nature of the rain.

5. "Please hold on, I"ll see if the manager is in" implies that the speaker will check if the manager is present. The correct option would be "Пожалуйста, подождите, я проверю, находится ли менеджер здесь." This response accurately reflects the speaker"s intention to check the manager"s presence.

6. "I"ve decided to join this club" indicates a personal decision made in the past. The correct option is "Я решил вступить в этот клуб." This form accurately conveys the past tense of the decision.

7. "He thanked me for what I did the previous week" talks about a past event where someone expressed gratitude for the speaker"s actions in the previous week. The correct option is "Он поблагодарил меня за то, что я сделал на прошлой неделе." This form correctly expresses the past tense of the action and the time frame.