1. I wish they would return before Christmas. 2. The student wished he had studied the material better and had shown

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1. I wish they would return before Christmas.
2. The student wished he had studied the material better and had shown better knowledge at the examination.
3. It"s a pity that you didn"t send for us last night.
4. It"s a pity you can"t be with us these days.
5. My friend regrets not getting into the university.
6. He regretted not having enough time to finish his paper.
7. It"s a pity we won"t be able to get home before tea-time.
8. I am sorry I upset you by telling
1. "I wish they would return before Christmas" expresses a desire or hope that someone will come back before Christmas. This sentence is in the past simple tense with the would modal verb. To explain this to a student, we can break it down step-by-step:

- "I wish" is used to express a desire or hope for something that is not true or currently possible.
- "They would return" is a conditional statement. "Would" is used to indicate a hypothetical situation, in this case, the hypothetical return of someone before Christmas.
- "Before Christmas" specifies the time frame when the return is desired.

Обоснование: Предложение выражает желание или надежду на возвращение кого-то перед Рождеством. Оно использует прошедшее время и модальный глагол would. "I wish" выражает желание, "they would return" - гипотетическое возвращение, "before Christmas" - указывает на желаемое время.

2. "The student wished he had studied the material better and had shown better knowledge at the examination" represents the student"s regret for not studying the material more effectively and not demonstrating sufficient knowledge during the examination. Let"s break it down:

- "The student wished" indicates a desire or regret for something that didn"t happen.
- "He had studied the material better" suggests that the student regrets not dedicating more time or effort to studying.
- "And had shown better knowledge at the examination" implies that the student wishes they had performed better and displayed a higher level of understanding during the exam.

Обоснование: Предложение описывает сожаление студента о недостаточной подготовке и знаниях на экзамене. "The student wished" выражает желание или сожаление, "he had studied the material better" - желание уделить больше времени изучению материала, "and had shown better knowledge at the examination" - чтобы продемонстрировать лучшие знания на экзамене.

3. "It"s a pity that you didn"t send for us last night" expresses regret or disappointment that the person being addressed did not request the speaker"s presence the previous night. Let"s break it down:

- "It"s a pity" conveys a sense of disappointment or regret.
- "That you didn"t send for us" suggests that the action of not sending for the speaker is regrettable.
- "Last night" specifies the time when the speaker expected to be summoned.

Обоснование: В предложении выражено сожаление или разочарование тем, что адресат не призвал или не попросил говорящего прийти к нему вчера ночью. "It"s a pity" выражает сожаление, "that you didn"t send for us" - говорит о непризыве, "last night" - указывает на желаемое время.

4. "It"s a pity you can"t be with us these days" expresses regret or disappointment that the person being addressed is unable to be present with the speaker during a specific time period. Let"s break it down:

- "It"s a pity" conveys a sense of disappointment or regret.
- "You can"t be with us" suggests that the person"s absence is unfortunate.
- "These days" specifies the current time frame when the speaker desires the person"s presence.

Обоснование: В предложении выражено сожаление или разочарование тем, что адресат не может быть с говорящим в определенный период. "It"s a pity" выражает сожаление, "you can"t be with us" - говорит о невозможности присутствия, "these days" - указывает на желаемый период времени.

5. "My friend regrets not getting into the university" signifies that the speaker"s friend is disappointed or has a feeling of regret because they were not accepted into the university. Let"s break it down:

- "My friend regrets" indicates the feeling of regret or disappointment.
- "Not getting into the university" signifies the failed attempt to be admitted into the university.

Обоснование: В предложении говорится о разочаровании или сожалении друга говорящего из-за непоступления в университет. "My friend regrets" говорит о сожалении, "not getting into the university" - о непоступлении в университет.

6. "He regretted not having enough time to finish his paper" implies that the person being discussed feels regret or disappointment because they did not have sufficient time to complete their paper. Let"s break it down:

- "He regretted" indicates the feeling of regret or disappointment.
- "Not having enough time" expresses the reason for the regret.
- "To finish his paper" specifies the task that was not completed due to lack of time.

Обоснование: В предложении говорится о сожалении или разочаровании человека из-за недостатка времени для завершения работы. "He regretted" говорит о сожалении, "not having enough time" - о недостатке времени, "to finish his paper" - о незавершенной работе.

7. "It"s a pity we won"t be able to get home before tea-time" expresses disappointment or regret because the speaker and others will not be able to reach home before tea-time. Let"s break it down:

- "It"s a pity" conveys a sense of disappointment or regret.
- "We won"t be able to" suggests that the action of reaching home is not possible.
- "Get home before tea-time" identifies the desired time frame for arrival.

Обоснование: В предложении выражено разочарование или сожаление говорящего и других людей о невозможности вернуться домой до чая. "It"s a pity" выражает сожаление, "we won"t be able to" - о невозможности, "get home before tea-time" - о возвращении домой до чая.

8. "I am sorry I upset you by telling" indicates that the speaker feels regret or remorse for causing distress or upset to the person being addressed by speaking or sharing something. Let"s break it down:

- "I am sorry" expresses regret or an apology.
- "I upset you" signifies that the speaker caused emotional distress.
- "By telling" explains the action or communication that led to the upset.

Обоснование: В предложении говорится о сожалении или раскаянии говорящего из-за вызванного им беспокойства или недовольства у адресата рассказом или информацией. "I am sorry" говорит о сожалении, "I upset you" - о вызванном беспокойстве, "by telling" - действии или коммуникации, приведшим к беспокойству