1) Is Darren Smith a kind and successful student? What are his career aspirations - to become an actor or a police

  • 51
1) Is Darren Smith a kind and successful student? What are his career aspirations - to become an actor or a police officer?
2) Does Darren Smith get teased about his weight at school?
3) Has Darren Smith decided to attend one of Britain"s camps for overweight individuals?
4) Is there a prevalent issue of weight among children in Britain? Were 15% or more children over their ideal weight in the year 2010?
5) Do doctors predict that more than 20% of young people will have weight problems by 2020?
6) Do most people who attend the camp leave with new friends and a sense of happiness and improved health compared to before?
1) Darren Smith is described as a kind and successful student. Regarding his career aspirations, it is not specified whether he wants to become an actor or a police officer. The information provided does not give a clear answer to this question.

2) There is no information given about Darren being teased about his weight at school. Therefore, it is not possible to determine whether he faces such teasing or not.

3) The information does not mention whether Darren has decided to attend one of Britain"s camps for overweight individuals. This question remains unanswered.

4) According to the information provided, it is stated that in the year 2010, 15% or more children in Britain were over their ideal weight. This indicates that there is indeed a prevalent issue of weight among children in Britain.

5) The information does not provide any predictions made by doctors about weight problems among young people by the year 2020. Consequently, it is not possible to determine whether doctors predict that more than 20% of young people will have weight problems by 2020.

6) The information does not mention the experiences or outcomes of those who attend the camp. It is not specified whether individuals make new friends or experience a sense of happiness and improvement after attending the camp. Therefore, it cannot be concluded whether most people who attend the camp leave with new friends and a sense of happiness and improvement.