1) katrina was the worst natural disaster to hit the USA for a very long time. 2) a terrible earthquake hit Mexico City
1) katrina was the worst natural disaster to hit the USA for a very long time.
2) a terrible earthquake hit Mexico City in 1985.
3) Flooding can happen when rivers have too much water in them.
4) many people worked for days to rescue the victims from the earthquake.
5) Mount Etna is a famous volcano in Italy.
6) a nuclear bomb makes a cloud shaped like a mushroom.
7) 1,500 people in New Orleans were affected in 2005 by Katrina.
8) a locust is a small insect that can cause terrible damage to farms and people.
9) a tsunami is a giant wave, often caused by an underwater earthquake.
10) every time there
2) a terrible earthquake hit Mexico City in 1985.
3) Flooding can happen when rivers have too much water in them.
4) many people worked for days to rescue the victims from the earthquake.
5) Mount Etna is a famous volcano in Italy.
6) a nuclear bomb makes a cloud shaped like a mushroom.
7) 1,500 people in New Orleans were affected in 2005 by Katrina.
8) a locust is a small insect that can cause terrible damage to farms and people.
9) a tsunami is a giant wave, often caused by an underwater earthquake.
10) every time there
Тропик 69
Естественные катастрофы1) Katrina была самым страшным природным бедствием, которое произошло в США очень давно.
2) Ужасное землетрясение произошло в Мехико в 1985 году.
3) Наводнения могут происходить, когда в реках слишком много воды.
4) Многие люди работали дни напролет, чтобы спасти пострадавших от землетрясения.
5) Этна – знаменитый вулкан в Италии.
6) Ядерная бомба создает облако, похожее на гриб.
7) 1500 человек в Новом Орлеане пострадали от Катрины в 2005 году.
8) Саранча – маленькое насекомое, способное причинять ужасный ущерб фермам и людям.
9) Цунами – гигантская волна, часто вызванная подводным землетрясением.
10) every...