№1 Отметьте предложения как активные (A) или пассивные (P): 1. The omelet was made with egg whites. ___ 2. Garry will

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№1 Отметьте предложения как активные (A) или пассивные (P):
1. The omelet was made with egg whites. ___
2. Garry will be promoted next week. ___
3. Barry convinces Lola to have an appointment to the dentist. ___
4. Yebarchi is constructing a tank for his pet sharks. ___
5. Fasil is being chosen to take part in the Olympics. ___

№2 Переформулируйте предложения в пассивном залоге, как в примере ниже:
Пример: Teens often watch stupid videos on YouTube. — Stupid videos are often watched by teens on YouTube.

1. Girls are watching "Avengers" now. — "Avengers" is being watched by girls now.
2. Sandra followed fashion trends. — Fashion trends were followed by Sandra.
3. The Simpsons has told — The Simpsons has been told.
1. The omelet was made with egg whites. - A
2. Garry will be promoted next week. - P
3. Barry convinces Lola to have an appointment to the dentist. - A
4. Yebarchi is constructing a tank for his pet sharks. - A
5. Fasil is being chosen to take part in the Olympics. - P

1. "Avengers" is being watched by girls now.
2. "The Titanic" was seen by millions of people in theaters.