1. Pair the following words to create compound words or matches: a) mummy + ancient = ________________ b) property

  • 20
1. Pair the following words to create compound words or matches:
a) mummy + ancient = ________________
b) property + artistic = ________________
c) piece + chewing = ________________
d) effects + Egyptian = ________________
e) club + film = ________________
f) cultures + master = ________________
g) gum + night = ________________
h) director + private = ________________
i) merit + sound = ________________
j) track + special = ________________
a) mummy + ancient = древняя мумия
b) property + artistic = художественное имущество
c) piece + chewing = жевательная резинка
d) effects + Egyptian = египетские эффекты
e) club + film = киноклуб
f) cultures + master = мастер культур
g) gum + night = ночная жвачка
h) director + private = частный режиссер
i) merit + sound = звук заслуг
j) track + special = особый трек