1 Please read and encircle the words provided below. 1 This location allows you to observe historical items

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1 Please read and encircle the words provided below. 1 This location allows you to observe historical items. 2 The skeletal structure within your body is referred to as this. 3 These creatures resided on the planet 46 million years in the past. 4 A type of movable and functional computer. 5 Each individual in your class falls into this category. 6 All the prehistoric reptiles are classified as this. 7 A loud sound produced by certain animals. 8 Something that induces fear within you. 9 Individuals create these to illustrate the appearance of something. 10 You produce this sound when experiencing fear.
Задача 1

1. This location allows you to observe historical items.
- *Музей*

2. The skeletal structure within your body is referred to as this.
- *Скелет*

3. These creatures resided on the planet 46 million years in the past.
- *Динозавры*

4. A type of movable and functional computer.
- *Ноутбук*

5. Each individual in your class falls into this category.
- *Ученик*

6. All the prehistoric reptiles are classified as this.
- *Ящерицы*

7. A loud sound produced by certain animals.
- *Рев*

8. Something that induces fear within you.
- *Страх*

9. Individuals create these to illustrate the appearance of something.
- *Рисунки*

10. You produce this sound when
- *Дышишь*