1. Please write the dates in English. (For example, there are two possible options) 1) 06.01.1978 6) 01.06.1453
1. Please write the dates in English. (For example, there are two possible options) 1) 06.01.1978 6) 01.06.1453 2) 17.02.1955 7) 12.08.1690 3) 05.03.1797 8) 02.11.1564 4) 22.04.1915 9) 03.10.1986 5) 15.12.1367 10) 23.04.1998
2. Respond with the ordinal numbers in words. (e.g. the 34th - the thirty-fourth) 1. the 12th 6. the 60th 2. the 91st 7. the 37th 3. the 15th 8. the 46th 4. the 22nd 9. the 58th 5. the 73rd 10. the 89th
4. Write the dates (e.g. in 1753 - in seventeen fifty-three) in 1965 in 1907 in 1945 in 1998 in 2000
2. Respond with the ordinal numbers in words. (e.g. the 34th - the thirty-fourth) 1. the 12th 6. the 60th 2. the 91st 7. the 37th 3. the 15th 8. the 46th 4. the 22nd 9. the 58th 5. the 73rd 10. the 89th
4. Write the dates (e.g. in 1753 - in seventeen fifty-three) in 1965 in 1907 in 1945 in 1998 in 2000
Volshebnyy_Leprekon_5139 16
1. Даты в английском языке могут быть записаны в разных форматах, но чаще всего используется формат "месяц/день/год" или "день/месяц/год".Вот возможные варианты записи для указанных дат:
1) January 6, 1978 (January 6th, 1978)
2) February 17, 1955 (February 17th, 1955)
3) March 5, 1797 (March 5th, 1797)
4) April 22, 1915 (April 22nd, 1915)
5) December 15, 1367 (December 15th, 1367)
6) June 1, 1453 (June 1st, 1453)
7) August 12, 1690 (August 12th, 1690)
8) November 2, 1564 (November 2nd, 1564)
9) October 3, 1986 (October 3rd, 1986)
10) April 23, 1998 (April 23rd, 1998)
2. Переведем числительные в порядковые числительные словами:
1. the 12th - the twelfth
2. the 91st - the ninety-first
3. the 15th - the fifteenth
4. the 22nd - the twenty-second
5. the 73rd - the seventy-third
6. the 60th - the sixtieth
7. the 37th - the thirty-seventh
8. the 46th - the forty-sixth
9. the 58th - the fifty-eighth
10. the 89th - the eighty-ninth
3. Запишем даты словами:
- in 1965 - in nineteen sixty-five (in nineteen sixty-fifth)
- in 1907 - in nineteen o seven (in nineteen o seventh)
- in 1945 - in nineteen forty-five (in nineteen forty-fifth)
- in 1998 - in nineteen ninety-eight (in nineteen ninety-eighth)
- in 2000 - in two thousand (in two thousandth)
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