1) Put the words into the correct form: Extreme sports have been around for a long time. In the Middle Ages, medieval

  • 31
1) Put the words into the correct form:

Extreme sports have been around for a long time. In the Middle Ages, medieval knights risked their lives and limbs in a sport called jousting. Two knights on horseback, each carrying a lance (a longer, heavier version of a spear), would ride towards each other at high speed.

2) To win, a knight had to break their lance on their opponent"s shield or knock them off their horse.

3) Jousting tournaments were held to celebrate important events or national festivals.

4) Jousting was considered to be practice for war and was extremely violent. Knights were often seriously injured or even killed.

5) In order to minimize the risk, various safety measures were introduced over time, such as the use of protective armor and stricter rules.
обучение давно существуютни, и в Средние века рыцари рисковали своей жизнью и конечностями в спорте, называемом рыцарским турниром. Два рыцаря на конях, каждый из которых нес копье (длинную и тяжелую версию копья), ехали навстречу друг другу со значительной скоростью. Чтобы победить, рыцарю нужно было сломать свое копье о щит противника или сбить его с коня. Рыцарские турниры проводились в честь важных событий или национальных праздников. Рыцарский турнир считался тренировкой перед войной и был чрезвычайно жестоким. Рыцари были

Выходные данные:
1) extrem sport, middle age, medieval knight, practice, war, extremely violent, risk, life, limb, joust, horse, lance, saddle, speed.
2) lance, opponent"s, shield, knock, horse.
3) jousting, tournament, celebrate, important event, national festival.
4) considered, practice, war, extremely violent, knight.

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