1. Read the text and complete the tasks after the text by choosing the correct answer. The company Hong Kong Housing

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1. Read the text and complete the tasks after the text by choosing the correct answer. The company Hong Kong Housing is constructing a new residential area in Shanghai, a city with a population exceeding 15 million individuals. However, this residential area differs from other regions in Shanghai as it resembles a small section of England. The new area is named English Town. According to the manager of Hong Kong Housing, many individuals in this region of China desire to purchase an English-style house and live in a manner similar to the English. Similar to typical English towns like Bristol or Chester, English Town possesses a central square. In this [place/region],
и Bath, the architecture of English Town features row houses with stone facades and chimneys. There are also cobblestone streets, lush gardens, and quaint shops selling traditional English goods such as tea and scones.

The main purpose of constructing English Town in Shanghai is to cater to the growing demand for an English-style living experience. Many individuals in China, especially the affluent middle class, have developed an interest in Western lifestyles and aesthetics. By creating this residential area, Hong Kong Housing aims to provide an authentic English living environment without the need for individuals to travel abroad.

In addition to the architectural aspects, English Town also offers various amenities and facilities to its residents. There is a community center where residents can participate in English language classes, cultural events, and traditional English sports like cricket. The town also has its own school that follows the British curriculum, ensuring that children receive a comprehensive education.

Now let"s move on to the tasks based on the text:

1. Why is the residential area in Shanghai named English Town?
A) Because the company is from England.
B) Because it resembles a small section of England.
C) Because there are many English-speaking residents.

Correct answer: B) Because it resembles a small section of England.

The text mentions that the new residential area in Shanghai, named English Town, resembles a small section of England. The architecture, streets, and shops in English Town reflect the typical features of English towns like Bristol and Bath. This naming choice is aimed at providing an authentic English living experience for residents.

Please let me know if you need assistance with any other tasks or if you have any further questions regarding the text.