1. Rephrase the following words and word combinations. а. Make noise - Б. Accommodate animals - с. Obtain permission

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1. Rephrase the following words and word combinations. а. Make noise - Б. Accommodate animals - с. Obtain permission to invite guests - а. Barefoot – е. Carry food outside - г. Ride a bicycle cautiously - g Register visitors - һ. Exam time.
1. Rephrase the following words and word combinations:

а. Make noise - Create a loud sound or generate a disturbance.

б. Accommodate animals - Provide a shelter or suitable conditions for animals.

с. Obtain permission to invite guests - Acquire authorization to invite individuals over.

а. Barefoot - Without any footwear or shoes on.

е. Carry food outside - Transport or take food outdoors.

г. Ride a bicycle cautiously - Travel on a bicycle with care and attentiveness.

d. Register visitors - Record or log individuals who come to visit.

һ. Exam time - The period during which tests or exams are conducted.