1. Rewrite the sentences by changing the phrasing, but keep the meaning and volume the same: 1. What are the causes

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1. Rewrite the sentences by changing the phrasing, but keep the meaning and volume the same:

1. What are the causes of our planet continuously getting hotter?
2. What was the most severe water pollution incident in history that occurred due to the oil spill near Alaska in 1989?
3. In what condition have many people been left?
4. What term is used to describe the numerous species on the planet?
5. How do we refer to the situation when people lack sufficient money to afford their food or housing?

2. Rewrite the sentences by changing the phrasing, but keep the meaning and volume the same:

1. The performance at the theater last night left a lasting impression!
2. Her sister made such a compelling invitation for the party.
3. What food preferences do you have?
1. Какие причины непрерывного потепления нашей планеты?
2. Какое было самое серьезное случившееся в истории загрязнение воды, вызванное нефтяной проливом возле Аляски в 1989 году?
3. В каком состоянии было оставлено множество людей?
4. Каким термином описывается множество видов на планете?
5. Как называется ситуация, когда людям не хватает достаточно денег, чтобы позволить себе питание и жилье?