1. Ride horses - People would use horses as a form of transportation one hundred years ago. 2. Have larger families

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1. Ride horses - People would use horses as a form of transportation one hundred years ago.
2. Have larger families - A hundred years ago, it was common for people to have a greater number of children.
3. Correspond through handwritten letters - Writing letters was the prevalent method of communication a century ago.
4. Wash garments manually - Laundry used to be done by hand back in the day.
5. Attend formal ballroom dances - Dancing at elegant social gatherings was a popular pastime a hundred years ago.
6. Witness only a few automobiles on the streets - Seeing a sparse number of cars in the streets was typical a century ago.
7. Employ domestic workers - It was customary for individuals to have household servants a hundred years ago.
8. Illuminate their homes with gas lighting - Gas was utilized as a source of lighting for residential purposes in the past.
на улицах было характерно для жизни сто лет назад.
7. Grow their own food - Many people used to cultivate their own crops and raise livestock for sustenance a century ago.
8. Use candles or oil lamps for lighting - Before the advent of electricity, people relied on candles or oil lamps to illuminate their homes.
9. Read physical books and newspapers - Reading printed materials, such as books and newspapers, was the primary source of information and entertainment in the past.
10. Cook meals from scratch - Cooking meals from scratch was the norm in the past, as ready-made and processed foods were not as readily available.
11. Wear formal attire for everyday occasions - Dressing formally was more common in daily life a hundred years ago compared to today"s casual dress culture.
12. Use manual typewriters for writing - Typewriters were the standard writing tool before the invention of computers and digital devices.
13. Listen to music on gramophones or radios - Listening to music involved using gramophones or radios instead of modern digital streaming platforms.
14. Travel by steam-powered trains or ships - Steam-powered trains and ships were the primary modes of long-distance transportation in the past.
15. Have limited access to educational resources - Access to educational resources, such as books and information, was more limited a century ago compared to the present-day availability of online resources.
16. Depend on manual labor for various tasks - Manual labor was more prevalent in daily life a hundred years ago, as machines and automation were not as advanced as today.
17. Use telegrams for urgent communication - Telegrams were commonly used for urgent long-distance communication before the rise of telephone and internet technology.
18. Respect strict social hierarchies - Social hierarchies and strict class divisions were more prominent in society a hundred years ago.
19. Follow traditional gender roles - Traditional gender roles were more strictly adhered to in the past, with distinct expectations for men and women in various aspects of life.
20. Experience limited medical advancements - Medical advancements were not as advanced a century ago, resulting in limited treatment options and lower life expectancies compared to modern times.

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