1. Thod had an _____________ for a job other day - I didn t get the job though. 2. I want to travel this summer, maybe

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1. Thod had an _____________ for a job other day - I didn"t get the job though.
2. I want to travel this summer, maybe ____________.
3. He loves sports like _____________ and free-diving.
4. They ran a marathon to ______________ for charity.
5. She achieved her ____________ of climbing Mont Blanc.
6. I find it difficult to ____________ my fear of flying - I hate planes.
7. When climbing in the Himalayas, you have to _____________ on a team to help you.
8. He has a lot of physical _____________ - he goes to the gym four times a week.
1. Thod had an interview for a job the other day - I didn"t get the job though. (Thod недавно прошел собеседование на работу - я, однако, не получил эту работу.)

2. I want to travel this summer, maybe to a tropical island. (Я хочу путешествовать этим летом, возможно, на тропический остров.)

3. He loves sports like surfing and free-diving. (Он любит спорты, такие как серфинг и фри-дайвинг.)

4. They ran a marathon to raise money for charity. (Они пробежали марафон, чтобы собрать деньги на благотворительность.)

5. She achieved her goal of climbing Mont Blanc. (Она достигла своей цели - подняться на Монблан.)

6. I find it difficult to overcome my fear of flying - I hate planes. (Мне трудно преодолеть свой страх перед полетом - я ненавижу самолеты.)

7. When climbing in the Himalayas, you have to rely on a team to help you. (Когда вы поднимаетесь в Гималаях, вам приходится полагаться на команду, чтобы вам помогли.)

8. He has a lot of physical strength - he goes to the gym four times a week. (У него много физической силы - он ходит в спортзал четыре раза в неделю.)