1) Was your neighbor playing the violin at 10 o clock yesterday evening? - No, he wasn t. He was listening to a rock

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1) Was your neighbor playing the violin at 10 o"clock yesterday evening? - No, he wasn"t. He was listening to a rock group at that time.
2) Were you taking a shower at 8 o"clock in the morning? - Yes, I was.
3) Was Pam not watching a show on TV at that time? - No, she wasn"t. She was washing the vegetables for the salad.
4) Was Ella feeding the swans swimming in the lake while David was taking some photos? - Yes, she was.
5) Was the car moving fast while the children were crossing the street? - No, it wasn"t. The man in the car was driving very slowly.
6) Were Betty and Sally gathering apples?
1) Ваш сосед играл на скрипке вчера вечером в 10 часов? - Нет, не играл. Он в то время слушал рок-группу.
2) Вы принимали душ в 8 утра? - Да, принимал(а).
3) Пэм не смотрела шоу по телевизору в то время? - Нет, не смотрела. Она мыла овощи для салата.
4) Элла кормила лебедей, которые плавали в озере, в то время, как Дэвид фотографировал? - Да, она кормила.
5) Автомобиль двигался быстро, когда дети переходили улицу? - Нет, не двигался. Мужчина за рулем ехал очень медленно.
6) Бэтти и Салли собирали ?