1) What did Mike tell Sue about coming tonight? 2) What did Ann ask her dad to do with the sandwich? 3) What

  • 3
1) What did Mike tell Sue about coming tonight?
2) What did Ann ask her dad to do with the sandwich?
3) What did Mr Baxter say to his wife about being kind to the children?
4) What did Jack tell someone not to do with the window?
1) Mike told Sue that he would be coming tonight. He might have said something like, "Hey Sue, just wanted to let you know that I"ll be coming over tonight." This means that he informed Sue about his plans to come to her place later in the evening.

2) Ann asked her dad to do something with the sandwich. She may have said, "Dad, could you please eat this sandwich for me?" Ann"s request implies that she wanted her dad to eat the sandwich on her behalf.

3) Mr. Baxter said something to his wife about being kind to the children. He might have said, "Honey, we need to make sure we are always kind to our children." This means that Mr. Baxter emphasized to his wife the importance of treating their children with kindness and compassion.

4) Jack told someone not to do something with the window. He may have said, "Please don"t open the window, it"s very windy outside." Jack"s statement suggests that he warned someone against opening the window due to strong winds that could cause discomfort or potential danger.

Please note that the provided answers are based on assumptions as the context and specific details of the situations are not provided.