1. What do the signs convey? Choose the appropriate option. Eg.: A – B 0. How should one handle their locker belongings

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1. What do the signs convey? Choose the appropriate option. Eg.: A – B 0. How should one handle their locker belongings overnight? A What is the procedure for depositing items in the locker during the evening? B What should be done with personal belongings at the end of the day? C When can lockers be utilized?
2. Hollins Farm Campsite requires prior authorization for groups of 4 or more individuals. A What is the prerequisite for making a reservation at Hollins Farm Campsite? B Is it permissible for groups larger than four to stay at this campsite? C Should groups of more than three individuals contact the campsite before arrival?
3. How should money for Saturday’s trip be submitted?
To answer the first question, let"s analyze the options provided:

A – B 0. How should one handle their locker belongings overnight?
A В каком порядке следует обращаться с пожитками в шкафчике на ночь?
B Что нужно делать с личными вещами в конце дня?
C Когда можно пользоваться шкафчиками?

The appropriate option here is B: "Что нужно делать с личными вещами в конце дня?" This option properly conveys what should be done with personal belongings at the end of the day.

Moving on to the second question:

2. Hollins Farm Campsite requires prior authorization for groups of 4 or more individuals.
A Каково препод условие для бронирования места на Hollins Farm Campsite?
B Разрешается ли проживание групп более четырёх человек в этом лагере?
C Следует ли группам из более чем трёх человек заранее согласовывать проживание?

The appropriate option for the second question is C: "Следует ли группам из более чем трёх человек заранее согласовывать проживание?" This option effectively conveys the requirement for groups of more than three individuals to seek prior authorization for their stay at the campsite.