1. What does the broad concept of culture include? 1. Everything created by society 2. Works of art and science
1. What does the broad concept of "culture" include? 1. Everything created by society 2. Works of art and science 3. Observance of etiquette norms in human relationships 4. The result of education and upbringing. 2. Which of the following definitions does not apply to the definition of morality? 1. A form of normative-evaluative orientation of the individual 2. Legalized justice 3. A system of norms and rules regulating human behavior 4. A form of social consciousness reflecting the ethical qualities of social reality. 3. Are the following statements about mass culture true? A) Commercialization.
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1. Counter-culture: 1. Is a subculture that rejects or opposes the dominant culture. 2. Is a culture that emerges against the background of culturogens and includes original forms of behavior and value orientations. 3. Is a culture that opposes traditional values and norms. 4. Is a system of beliefs and values that supports the status quo. 2. The general characteristics of culture are: 1. Universality: culture is inherent in all human societies, although its specific manifestations may vary. 2. Dynamicity: culture changes and develops over time. 3. Integrity: culture is a comprehensive and interconnected system. 4. Relativity: culture is subjective and varies from individual to individual.