1. What parts of speech do the highlighted words belong to in the sentence не works as a teacher ? 2. What parts

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1. What parts of speech do the highlighted words belong to in the sentence "не works as a teacher"?
2. What parts of speech do the underlined words belong to in the sentence "i saw one of his works at the exhibition"?
3. Identify the parts of speech of the highlighted words in the sentence "i was waiting for your report".
4. Which parts of speech do the words "report" and "experiment" belong to in the sentence "they report the results of their experiment every monday"?
5. Determine the parts of speech of the highlighted words in the sentence "his report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment".
6. What parts of speech do the words "make" and "progress" serve as in the sentence "you’ll make progress if you work hard"?
7. How can we classify the words "thought" and "work" in the sentence "he thought about his new work"?
8. Specify the parts of speech of the highlighted words in the sentence "i have a present for you".
9. Which parts of speech do the words "busy" and "present" serve as in the sentence "i am busy at present"?
10. Identify the parts of speech of the words "presented" and "book" in the sentence "he presented me with a book".
1. В предложении "не works as a teacher" выделенное слово "не" является частицей отрицания, а слово "works" является глаголом в форме настоящего времени третьего лица единственного числа.

2. В предложении "i saw one of his works at the exhibition" подчеркнутые слова имеют следующие части речи: "one" - числительное, "his" - притяжательное местоимение, "works" - существительное, "at" - предлог.

3. В предложении "i was waiting for your report" выделенные слова имеют следующую часть речи: "waiting" - глагол (причастие), "for" - предлог, "your" - притяжательное местоимение, "report" - существительное.

4. В предложении "they report the results of their experiment every monday" слова "report" и "experiment" имеют следующую часть речи: "report" - глагол, "experiment" - существительное.

5. В предложении "his report contains some of his thoughts about" выделенные слова имеют следующую часть речи: "his" - притяжательное местоимение, "report" - существительное, "contains" - глагол, "some" - местоимение, "thoughts" - существительное, "about" - предлог.