1. When a person is in shock his face appears... 2. The pulse and breathing become... 3. If you assist a person

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1. When a person is in shock his face appears... 2. The pulse and breathing become... 3. If you assist a person in shock, lay him on his... 4. It is crucial to keep a person in shock...
1. When a person is in shock, his face appears pale. This is because during shock, there is a redirection of blood flow away from the skin and towards the vital organs. The decreased blood flow to the skin results in a pale complexion.

2. The pulse and breathing become rapid in a person experiencing shock. The body responds to shock by trying to compensate for the decreased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the tissues. As a result, the heart rate increases, leading to a rapid pulse. Additionally, the respiratory rate may also increase as the body tries to increase oxygen intake.

3. If you assist a person in shock, it is important to lay them on their back. This position helps to promote blood flow to the brain and vital organs. By laying the person on their back, you are ensuring that blood circulation is optimized, which is essential in managing shock.

4. It is crucial to keep a person in shock warm. Shock can lead to a decrease in body temperature as blood flow is redirected away from the skin. This can cause the person to feel cold and can further worsen their condition. To help prevent this, you can cover the person with a blanket or extra clothing to provide insulation and maintain their body temperature.

Remember, shock is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. If you suspect someone is in shock, it is important to call for emergency medical help and provide basic first aid support while waiting for professional assistance.