10.5.8 Utilize the headlines provided in example 1b and the language given in the box to create exchanges, similar

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10.5.8 Utilize the headlines provided in example 1b and the language given in the box to create exchanges, similar to the given example. Presenting negative news Reacting Have you been informed? A tragic incident has occurred, hasn"t it? Have you seen/heard about the news? Terrible! Have you been informed? Really? How devastating! Can you guess what has happened? I find it hard to believe! You"ll never guess what has happened; it"s so tragic! Depressing, right? Look at this! A: Have you heard? There has been a major train crash, and 50 people have suffered injuries. B: It"s terrible, isn"t it?
it? Have you been informed?

A: A tragic incident has occurred, hasn"t it?

B: Yes, I have heard about it. Have you seen/heard about the news?

A: Yes, I have. It"s terrible!

B: How devastating! Can you guess what has happened?

A: Sure, I"ll give it a try.

B: Well, you"ll never guess what has happened; it"s so tragic!

A: Please tell me.

B: There has been a major train crash, and 50 people have suffered injuries.

A: Oh no, that"s really depressing, right?

B: Yes, it is. Look at this news article.

Here is an example of a conversation reacting to negative news.