10 Read, select, and complete. Meet Gerard Piqué, a successful European football player. Piqué was born

  • 30
10 Read, select, and complete. Meet Gerard Piqué, a successful European football player. Piqué was born 1) in Barcelona, Spain in 1987. Family and football hold significant importance in Piqué"s life. He 2) manages his time to balance his family commitments and football career. Piqué, famous for being with singer Shakira, has two sons named Milan and Sasha. During his leisure time, Piqué 3) has an interest in playing basketball. Nevertheless, he believes that football is the 4) ultimate sport! Additionally, he takes pleasure in 5) going to the cinema with his family. Gerard Piqué aspires to become the best football player he can be and desires success for his team.
to continue playing football for many more years and achieve further success in his career. He is determined to give his best on the field and make his fans proud.

1) Born:
Gerard Pique was born in Barcelona, Spain in 1987. This information tells us the place and year of his birth. Barcelona is a city in Spain known for its rich football culture.

2) Manages his time:
Gerard Pique is known for his ability to manage his time effectively, balancing his family commitments and his football career. This means that he ensures he gives enough time to both his family and his profession as a football player. It shows his dedication and the importance he places on both aspects of his life.

3) Interest in playing basketball:
In his leisure time, Gerard Pique has an interest in playing basketball. This indicates that he enjoys engaging in other sports apart from football. It also shows that he is active and likes to stay physically fit.

4) Ultimate sport:
According to Piqué, football is the ultimate sport. This means that he considers football to be the best sport of all. This statement reflects his passion and love for the game.

5) Going to the cinema:
Gerard Piqué enjoys going to the cinema with his family. This suggests that he values spending quality time with his loved ones and enjoys activities outside of sports. It shows that he considers family time as an important part of his life.

Gerard Piqué aspires to continue playing football for many more years and achieve further success in his career. This demonstrates his determination and ambition. He aims to make his fans proud by giving his best on the field and accomplishing more in his football journey.