2:32 Please listen again and select the correct responses. 1. What type of clothing would Ella wear if she attended

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2:32 Please listen again and select the correct responses.
1. What type of clothing would Ella wear if she attended a wedding?
a. Her most stylish attire.
b. Something elegant.
c. Traditional garments.

2. How would Josh respond if a friend asked for his opinion on his new trousers?
a. He would compliment them, even if he didn"t like them.
b. He would inquire about where his friend bought them.
c. He would be sincere and express that he didn"t like them.

3. What occurred to Ella last year?
a. Her friends became furious with her.
b. Her friend played a prank by hiding her sneakers.
c. Her teacher instructed her to empty her bag.

4. If someone were to steal Ella"s sneakers from the changing room, what would she do?
. She won first place in a dance competition. 4. How did Josh feel about Ella"s suggestion for the weekend? a. He was excited and agreed immediately.
b. He was unsure and needed more information.
c. He was disappointed and didn"t want to go. 5. What did Ella and Josh plan to do at the beach? a. Build sandcastles and swim in the ocean.
b. Go for a long walk along the shoreline.
c. Collect seashells and watch the sunset. 6. How did Ella feel about the movie they watched? a. She found it boring and hard to follow.
b. She loved it and couldn"t stop talking about it.
c. She thought it was okay, but not her favorite. Обоснование / Пояснение к ответам: 1. Ella would wear something elegant to a wedding because weddings are formal events where guests typically dress in more sophisticated attire to show respect and celebrate the occasion. 2. Josh would be sincere and express that he didn"t like the new trousers if a friend asked for his opinion because honesty is important in friendships and it"s better to be truthful rather than giving insincere compliments. 3. Ella won first place in a dance competition last year, as indicated by the phrase "She won first place in a dance competition". 4. Josh was unsure about Ella"s suggestion for the weekend and needed more information, as no specific emotion or agreement is mentioned in the listening exercise. 5. Ella and Josh planned to build sandcastles and swim in the ocean at the beach. This is indicated by the phrase "Build sandcastles and swim in the ocean" as a common activity associated with going to the beach. 6. Ella found the movie they watched boring and hard to follow, as her feelings are described by the phrase "She found it boring and hard to follow".