2 Complete the sentences with the opposite of the words in brackets. 1 Alice Through the Looking Glass is a very story

  • 36
2 Complete the sentences with the opposite of the words in brackets. 1 Alice Through the Looking Glass is a very story. (ordinary)

1 Alice Through the Looking Glass is an story. (extraordinary)

2 The action is so I couldn"t keep up with the plot! (slow)

2 The action is so I couldn"t keep up with the plot! (fast-paced)

3 This is a book that will have you laughing all the way to the end. (serious)

3 This is a book that will have you laughing all the way to the end. (humorous)

4 You won"t be able to put the book down because it"s so .(dull)

4 You won"t be able to put the book down because it"s so (captivating).

5 It"s a book written from a child"s point of view. (unbelievable)

5 It"s a book written from a child"s point of view. (believable)

6 Glasgow Girls is a brilliant and play that was made into a film. (mindless)

6 Glasgow Girls is a play that was made into a film. (thought-provoking)
Описание шагов решения:
1. Для первого предложения, нам нужно найти противоположное слово для "ordinary". Противоположным словом будет "extraordinary". Таким образом, первое предложение будет выглядеть следующим образом: "1. Alice Through the Looking Glass is an extraordinary story."
2. Второе предложение требует нахождения противоположного слова для "slow". Противоположное слово будет "fast-paced". Заменим слово "slow" на "fast-paced" и получим следующее предложение: "2. The action is so fast-paced I couldn"t keep up with the plot!"
3. В третьем предложении нам нужно найти противоположное слово для "serious". Противоположным словом будет "humorous". Поэтому, третье предложение будет выглядеть так: "3. This is a book that will have you laughing all the way to the end."
4. В последнем предложении мы должны найти противоположное слово для "dull". Противоположным словом будет "captivating". Заменим слово "dull" на "captivating" и получим следующее предложение: "4. You won"t be able to put the book down because it"s so captivating."

Таким образом, заполненные предложения будут выглядеть следующим образом:
1. Alice Through the Looking Glass is an extraordinary story.
2. The action is so fast-paced I couldn"t keep up with the plot!
3. This is a book that will have you laughing all the way to the end.
4. You won"t be able to put the book down because it"s so captivating.