2. Evaluate your vocabulary: complete the sentence with the appropriate word. 1. An individual offers support

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2. Evaluate your vocabulary: complete the sentence with the appropriate word. 1. An individual offers support to you when you suffer from a minor injury or don"t feel well. 2. To maintain hygiene, you apply a substance on a wound. 3. To improve your condition, you take a specific type of substance. 4. A mode of transportation that swiftly takes you to the hospital is known as an . 5. A person sells or provides you with medication. 6. An action performed by a nurse, involving injecting medicine into your skin using a needle, is called an . 7. A professional examines your teeth. 8. When you experience illness or injury, you seek assistance from . 9. In critical situations, a specialist performs surgery on you. 10. To support a strained muscle or injured ankle, you secure it with a .
1. An individual offers support to you when you suffer from a minor injury or don"t feel well.
Ответ: помощь

2. To maintain hygiene, you apply a substance on a wound.
Ответ: антисептик

3. To improve your condition, you take a specific type of substance.
Ответ: лекарство

4. A mode of transportation that swiftly takes you to the hospital is known as an .
Ответ: скорая помощь

5. A person sells or provides you with medication.
Ответ: фармацевт

6. An action performed by a nurse, involving injecting medicine into your skin using a needle, is called an .
Ответ: инъекция

7. A professional examines your teeth.
Ответ: стоматолог

8. When...
(Unfortunately, the question is incomplete. Could you please provide the complete sentence?)