2. Rewrite the sentences using the words from Exercise 1. 0 His stories are always amusing, which makes people laugh

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2. Rewrite the sentences using the words from Exercise 1. 0 His stories are always amusing, which makes people laugh. 1 During Saturdays, he tends to sleep in and spends the entire day watching TV or amusing videos online. 2 She consistently wears a smile and engages in conversations with everyone, indicating her friendly nature. 3 He consistently displays good manners by using phrases like "please" and "thank you" and demonstrates attentiveness towards his teachers. 4 He willingly cleans his mother"s car and always offers to assist with washing the dishes. 5 Due to her likable personality, everyone is fond of her and desires her friendship. 6 Most weekends, they engage in activities such as walking or cycling. 7 She demonstrates creativity by sewing her own clothes and has a strong passion for drawing. 8 He rarely gets angry and always uses pleasant words while communicating.
1. Во время субботы он склонен спать и проводит весь день, смотря телевизор или забавные видео в Интернете.
2. Она постоянно носит улыбку и вступает в разговоры со всеми, что свидетельствует о ее дружелюбной натуре.
3. Он постоянно проявляет хорошие манеры, используя фразы "пожалуйста" и "спасибо" и проявляя внимание к своим учителям.
4. Он охотно моет машину своей матери и всегда предлагает помощь по мытью посуды.
5. Из-за ее приятного характера