2. These are some geography questions where you need to choose the correct answer. In some cases, you may require

  • 35
2. These are some geography questions where you need to choose the correct answer. In some cases, you may require the options provided while in others, you can answer without them. Determine the country with Stockholm as its capital. (Norway / Denmark / Sweden) Which country is situated between Mexico and Canada? (Venezuela / El Salvador / United States) Which country holds the title for being the largest in the world? (China / Russia / Canada) Which continent is recognized as the largest? (Africa / South America / Asia) What is the name of the mountain range located in the western part of North America? (Rocky Mountains / Andes / Alps) What is the ocean called that lies between
1. Швеция - это страна с Стокгольмом в качестве столицы.
2. США (Соединенные Штаты Америки) находится между Мексикой и Канадой.
3. Россия считается самой большой страной в мире.
4. Азия признается самым большим континентом.
5. Гималаи - это горный хребет, расположенный в западной части.