3 **Rewrite the sentences using the past simple or past continuous tense: 1 While climbing the mountain, I dropped

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3 **Rewrite the sentences using the past simple or past continuous tense: 1 While climbing the mountain, I dropped my mobile phone. 2 We arrived at the campsite and set up our tent and built a campfire. 3 Captain James Cook explored many countries during his life. He was walking through the forest at 10 o"clock yesterday morning. 5 Fiona was packing her suitcase while I was cooking dinner. 6 It was a cold and cloudless night. The moon was glowing in the sky as the wind was howling through the trees. 7 Brent booked his train tickets yesterday. 8 The dogs were not scared of the lightning at all!
1 Во время подъема на гору, я уронил свой мобильный телефон.
2 Мы прибыли на место кемпинга, разбили палатку и разжигали костер.
3 Капитан Джеймс Кук исследовал множество стран в течение своей жизни. Он гулял по лесу в 10 часов утра вчера.
5 Фиона укладывала свой чемодан, пока я готовил ужин.
6 Была холодная и безоблачная ночь. Луна светила на небе, а ветер ломался сквозь деревья.
7 Брент заказал свои билеты на поезд вчера.
8 Собаки не боялись молнии.