4 3.2 Could you please watch the video once more? Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the appropriate words

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4 3.2 Could you please watch the video once more? Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the appropriate words. 1 Uluru is a massive ... close to Sydney. 2 Individuals were initially introduced to Australia in the ... 3 Within the national park, you have the opportunity to observe kangaroos and wombats. 4 Shearing is widely practiced throughout the nation. 5 Cane ... possess toxic properties. 6 Australian rules football bears a striking resemblance to...
to rugby. 7 The Great Barrier Reef is a popular ... destination. 8 The Australian gold rush of the 1850s led to a significant increase in population. 9 The Sydney Opera House is an iconic ... 10 Australia is home to a diverse range of ... including koalas and kangaroos.

1 Uluru is a massive \textbf{rock formation} close to Sydney. Это мощное скальное образование близко к Сиднею.
2 Individuals were initially introduced to Australia in the \textbf{18th century}. Люди были изначально завезены в Австралию в 18-м веке.
3 Within the national park, you have the opportunity to observe kangaroos and wombats. Внутри национального парка у вас есть возможность наблюдать кенгуру и вомбатов.
4 Shearing is widely practiced throughout the nation. Стрижка шерсти широко практикуется по всей стране.
5 Cane \textbf{toads} possess toxic properties. Тростниковые жабы обладают токсичными свойствами.
6 Australian rules football bears a striking resemblance to rugby. Австралийский футбол имеет поразительное сходство с регби.
7 The Great Barrier Reef is a popular \textbf{snorkeling} destination. Большой Барьерный Риф - популярное место для сноркелинга.
8 The Australian gold rush of the 1850s led to a significant increase in population. Золотая лихорадка в Австралии в 1850-х годах привела к значительному увеличению населения.
9 The Sydney Opera House is an iconic \textbf{landmark}. Сиднейская опера - это символический памятник.
10 Australia is home to a diverse range of \textbf{wildlife} including koalas and kangaroos. В Австралии обитает разнообразная фауна, включая коал и кенгуру.