4 In which paragraph can you find the personal profile? Underline the three complete forms that could be contracted

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4 In which paragraph can you find the personal profile? Underline the three complete forms that could be contracted. 1 Hey there! My name is Sam and I am 16 years old. I reside in Brighton with my folks and my two sisters. They are 12 and 14. 2 We all attend Millwood Secondary School. It"s a big school, but it"s extremely welcoming. I absolutely love it! My preferred subjects are art and drama. I have a great knack for creativity. 3 On weekends, I engage in tennis, volleyball, and swimming. I also take plano lessons, but I"m not very skilled at it! 4 My aspiration is to pursue a career in acting. One day, I hope to be featured on TV and in movies.
В данной задаче, личный профиль можно найти во втором абзаце. Давайте вместе подчеркнем этот абзац:

2 We all attend Millwood Secondary School. It"s a big school, but it"s extremely welcoming. I absolutely love it! My preferred subjects are art and drama. I have a great knack for creativity.

В этом абзаце говорится о школе, предпочитаемых предметах и о том, что он обладает хорошим чутьем для творчества.

Теперь отметим три предложения, которые можно сократить:

Hey there! My name is Sam and I am 16 years old. I reside in Brighton with my folks and my two sisters. They are 12 and 14.

В этом предложении возможны следующие сокращения:

1. I am = I"m
2. I reside = I live
3. My = They"re (в данном случае, подразумевается сокращение "They"re" в "They are" для обозначения других членов семьи)

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