5. What was one of the consequences of Tokhtamysh s invasion of Rus? a) The transfer of the title of the Grand Prince
5. What was one of the consequences of Tokhtamysh"s invasion of Rus? a) The transfer of the title of the Grand Prince of Vladimir from the Moscow Prince to the Tver Prince. b) The weakening of Moscow as the political center of Rus. c) The resumption of payment of the Golden Horde tribute. d) The loss of the Moscow Prince"s right to collect tribute from Russian lands for the Golden Horde.
6. Who emerged as the victor in the Moscow power struggle of the 15th century? a) Yuri Dmitrievich. b) Vasily Kosoy. c) Dmitry Shemyaka. d) Vasily Temny.
7. The process of creating a unified state in Rus in the 15th century was slowed down by: a) a new invasion of the Horde army. b) an increase in payment of the Golden Horde tribute.
6. Who emerged as the victor in the Moscow power struggle of the 15th century? a) Yuri Dmitrievich. b) Vasily Kosoy. c) Dmitry Shemyaka. d) Vasily Temny.
7. The process of creating a unified state in Rus in the 15th century was slowed down by: a) a new invasion of the Horde army. b) an increase in payment of the Golden Horde tribute.
Екатерина 49
Русская версия:После вторжения Тохтамыша в Русь произошло несколько последствий. Одним из них был возврат уплаты данью Золотой Орде. Ранее, Московскому князю принадлежало право собирать дань с русских земель в пользу Золотой Орды. Однако после вторжения Тохтамыша, это право было утрачено. Ответ на задачу: d) Потеря Московским князем права на сбор даней с русских земель в пользу Золотой Орды.
В ходе борьбы за власть в Москве в 15 веке победителем вышел Дмитрий Шемяка. Ответ на задачу: c) Дмитрий Шемяка.
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