6 Complete the conversation with the missing words. Circle the correct options. to play the banjo and enjoyed

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6 Complete the conversation with the missing words. Circle the correct options. to play the banjo and enjoyed it. Isabel: 1_Do you know how to play any musical instruments? John: Yes, 12_I have learned to play the banjo. Isabel: That"s interesting. I have always been curious about the banjo. John: 14_I went to a music festival last year and enjoyed it. Also, every year, my aunt gives me an unusual present for my birthday, and this year she bought me a banjo. Isabel: Is it hard to learn? John: Not really, 16_I am having my first exam on Wednesday next week. Isabel: If I decide to learn a musical instrument, what would you suggest? John: Well, what kind of music 8do you like? Isabel: I want
Isabel: If I decide to learn a musical instrument, which one would you recommend?

John: Well, it depends on what kind of music you enjoy and what instrument appeals to you. There are many options to choose from. If you"re interested in playing the banjo, it can be a great choice. It has a unique sound and is often associated with traditional folk music.

Isabel: That"s true, the banjo does have a distinctive sound. But is it difficult to learn?

John: It can be challenging at first, like any new skill. But with practice and dedication, you can definitely learn to play it. There are different styles and techniques to master, but there are plenty of resources available to help beginners, such as online tutorials, books, and even music teachers.

Isabel: That"s encouraging to hear. So, how did you start learning to play the banjo?

John: I initially became interested in the banjo after attending a music festival last year. I was captivated by the lively and energetic performances of banjo players. After that, I decided to give it a try. Luckily, my aunt, who is very supportive of my musical interests, bought me a banjo as a birthday present this year.

Isabel: That"s fantastic! It"s always helpful to have support from loved ones. So, how are your banjo lessons going?

John: They are going well, thank you for asking. I have been practicing regularly, and my skills have been improving steadily. Next week, I have my first exam, and I"m a bit nervous but also excited to showcase what I"ve learned so far.

Isabel: I"m sure you"ll do great! Your dedication and passion for learning the banjo will surely pay off. Thank you for sharing your experience with me, John. It has inspired me to consider learning a musical instrument as well.

John: You"re welcome, Isabel. I"m glad to have inspired you. Learning a musical instrument can be a rewarding journey, and I encourage you to pursue it if you have the interest. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions. Good luck with your musical endeavors!