6. What words can be inserted in the following sentences? 1. In terms of representing St. Petersburg as the second

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6. What words can be inserted in the following sentences?

1. In terms of representing St. Petersburg as the second capital of Russia, Red Square holds great 9 significance.
2. Red Square is among the 10 most recognized symbols of Russia.
3. A special website in the UK allows visitors to 11 cast their vote for the icon that best represents the country.
4. The London Tube is the first 12 underground railway system in the world.
5. The Moscow Metro has been around for more than 70 years and is 13 packed with historical items, making it part of our culture and history.
6. Sherlock Holmes is widely considered the most famous 14 detective in the world.
7. The British Library houses millions of books and magazines, serving as a 15 representation of the UK"s literary wealth.
1. In terms of representing St. Petersburg as the second capital of Russia, Red Square holds great symbolic/significant significance.
- Ответ: символическое/значительное.

2. Red Square is among the 10 most recognized symbols of Russia.
- Ответ: один/одно из самых/наиболее известных символов России.

3. A special website in the UK allows visitors to vote 11 cast their vote for the icon that best represents the country.
- Ответ: голосовать/отдать свой голос.

4. The London Tube is the first underground 12 underground railway system in the world.
- Ответ: подземный/метро.

5. The Moscow Metro has been around for more than 70 years and is filled/abundant packed with historical items, making it part of our culture and history.
- Ответ: наполненное/наполнено/переполненное историческими предметами.

6. Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective character from the stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Ответ: является известным сыщиком, главным героем из рассказов, написанных Артуром Конаном Дойлем.