a) I suppose we could do that. b) I think we should definitely have print ads. c) Can we start, please? d) I’m afraid

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a) I suppose we could do that.
b) I think we should definitely have print ads.
c) Can we start, please?
d) I’m afraid that’s out of the question.
e) Andres, what do you think?
f) The main purpose of this meeting is to finalize our marketing strategy.
g) It might be a good idea to do both.
h) Mmm, I don’t know.

Anya OK, it’s ten o’clock and everyone’s here. (36) Welcome, marketing team, and thank you for the hard work you’ve put in recently. (37) We usually do print ads in the national newspapers but Mona

- Welcome to the meeting, marketing team. Thank you for your recent hard work.
- Let"s start, shall we?
- Can we proceed, please?
- I"m sorry, but that"s not possible.
- Andres, what are your thoughts on this?
- The main objective of this meeting is to finalize our marketing strategy.
- It could be a good idea to consider both options.
- Hmm, I"m not sure.
начать с обсуждения нашей стратегии маркетинга. (38) Я думаю, что обязательно должны быть рекламные объявления в печатных изданиях. (39) Кроме того, я считаю, что мы также должны рассмотреть возможность проведения других рекламных акций, например, в Интернете или на радио и телевидении. (40) Как вы думаете, Андрес?