A) Sasha has a pen friend named John who lives in Britain. In John s school, the start of the school year is delayed

  • 63
A) Sasha has a pen friend named John who lives in Britain. In John"s school, the start of the school year is delayed by one week compared to Sasha"s. Please rewrite Sasha"s letter to John.

Dear John, I"m glad to hear that you are still on vacation. I"m curious about what you are currently doing. Are you fishing? Are you swimming? Are you sunbathing? Regardless, I hope you are enjoying yourself. Just a few days ago, I was fishing, swimming, and sunbathing as well. However, that is all over now and I have returned to school. The weather has changed and it is raining heavily. It was just yesterday when the sun was shining brightly in the clear sky.
Zolotoy_Robin Gud
Дорогой Джон,

Рад тому, что ты все еще находишься в отпуске. Меня интересует, чем ты занимаешься в данный момент. Ловишь рыбу? Купаешься? Загораешь на солнце? В любом случае, я надеюсь, что ты наслаждаешься отдыхом. Всего несколько дней назад я тоже занимался рыбалкой, купался и загорал. Однако все это уже закончилось, и я вернулся в школу. Погода изменилась, и идет сильный дождь.