A1 - I want to make a cake, but there are some leftover apples. - We have pears in the bowl. Let s make a pear cake

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A1 - I want to make a cake, but there are some leftover apples. - We have pears in the bowl. Let"s make a pear cake. 1. any/none 2. none/any 3. any/none
A2 - There are only eggs in the fridge. I cannot make my favorite omelette. - That"s unfortunate. Make something different instead. 1. some 2. a few 3. a few
A3 - Can you lend me some money? - I"m sorry, I don"t have any money left myself. 1. any/some 2. some/any 3. a few/any
A4 - There is too much pepper in this soup. I cannot eat it. - Really? I always put a lot of pepper in soups. 1. a lot of/a lot of 2. a lot of/many 3. a lot of/many
A5 - Do you have any friends? - Oh, yes.
- I need some help with this math problem. - Of course, I"m here to assist you. What specifically do you need help with? 1. some 2. any 3. many