Can you assist me for tomorrow? Exercise №1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions: on

  • 31
Can you assist me for tomorrow? Exercise №1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions: on, at, to, with, in. 1. There are a large number of people in the park today. 2. Jane was born in 1996. 3. There are four oceans on the Earth. 4. On Tuesday, Ann got up at eight o"clock. 5. We went to the forest with our friends. 6. We study English at school. Exercise №2. Rewrite the sentences as questions. 1. Where is the forest located in relation to their house? 2. When did my brother work in the garden? 3. Who will go to the river? 4. When does it often rain in autumn? 5. What grows in the fields and gardens? 6. When did he return home? For tomorrow.
Sure, I can help you with that! Here are the completed sentences for Exercise №1:

1. There are a large number of people in the park today.
В парке сегодня много людей.

2. Jane was born in 1996.
Джейн родилась в 1996 году.

3. There are four oceans on the Earth.
На Земле четыре океана.

4. On Tuesday, Ann got up at eight o"clock.
Во вторник Анна встала в восемь часов.

5. We went to the forest with our friends.
Мы пошли в лес с нашими друзьями.

6. We study English at school.
Мы изучаем английский в школе.

And here are the sentences rewritten as questions for Exercise №2:

1. Where is the forest located in relation to their house?
Где находится лес относительно их дома?

2. When did my brother work in the garden?
Когда мой брат работал в саду?

3. Who will go to the river?
Кто пойдет к реке?

4. When does it often rain in autumn?
Когда часто идет дождь осенью?

5. What grows?
Что растет?

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.