Can you please put each verb in brackets (1-30) into an appropriate verb form? Example (0) has been done for you

  • 45
Can you please put each verb in brackets (1-30) into an appropriate verb form? Example (0) has been done for you. "Don"t forget to check and save your answers!" Download the text "The Unfortunate Tandem." It happened while Mr Harris and his wife were riding a tandem bicycle through Holland. As the roads were rough, Harris asked his wife to hold on tight. She couldn"t explain later why she thought her husband was telling her to jump off. And she did so. Harris continued cycling without turning his head. He believed his wife was sitting behind
Задача: Пожалуйста, поставьте каждый глагол в скобках (1-30) в правильную форму глагола. Пример (0) был выполнен для вас. "Не забудьте проверить и сохранить свои ответы!" Скачайте текст "The Unfortunate Tandem". Это произошло, когда мистер Харрис и его жена ехали на велосипеде-тандеме по Голландии. Поскольку дороги были неровными, Харрис попросил свою жену крепко держаться. Позже она не смогла объяснить, почему подумала, что ее муж просит ее спрыгнуть. И она так и сделала. Харрис продолжил езду, не поворачивая головы. Он верил, что его жена сидит за ним.

0. were sitting
1. (ask) asked
2. (tell) telling
3. (explain) explained
4. (think) thought
5. (jump) jumped
6. (continue) continued
7. (cycle) cycling
8. (turn) turning
9. (believe) believed
10. (sit) sitting
11. (ride) riding
12. (hold) holding
13. (save) saved
14. (check) checked
15. (download) downloaded
16. (happen) happened
17. (rough) were rough
18. (tight) tight
19. (wife) wife
20. (without) without
21. (behind) behind
22. (do) did
23. (later) later
24. (through) through
25. (road) roads
26. (her) her
27. (so) so
28. (head) head
29. (were) were
30. (wife) wife

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