Choose the appropriate option or change the verb in brackets to the correct form. Dear Lee, Do you recall when

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Choose the appropriate option or change the verb in brackets to the correct form. Dear Lee, Do you recall when I mentioned that I wanted to relocate abroad? Well, in order to accomplish my objective, there were several things that needed to be done. Primarily, I had to enhance my English. I decided to enroll in evening classes, but now that I am here, I still need to practice on a daily basis. Initially, I did not enjoy learning English, but my friend Larry suggested attending an English-speaking club near my residence. Now, I am able to speak fluently and my reading
Dear Lee, Do you recall when I mentioned that I wanted to relocate abroad? Well, in order to accomplish my objective, there were several things that needed to be done. Primarily, I had to enhance my English. I decided to enroll in evening classes, but now that I am here, I still need to practice on a daily basis. Initially, I did not enjoy learning English, but my friend Larry suggested attending an English-speaking club near my residence. Now, I am able to speak fluently and my reading skills have also improved significantly.

Привет, Ли! Ты помнишь, когда я упомянул, что хочу переехать за границу? В общем, чтобы достичь своей цели, мне нужно было сделать несколько вещей. В первую очередь я должен был улучшить свой английский. Я решил записаться на вечерние курсы, но теперь, когда я здесь, мне все еще нужно практиковаться ежедневно. Изначально мне не нравилось учить английский, но мой друг Ларри посоветовал посещать англоязычный клуб, который находится недалеко от моего места жительства. Теперь я могу говорить свободно, и мои навыки чтения значительно улучшились.

The passage talks about the speaker"s journey to improve their English skills in order to achieve their objective of relocating abroad. Initially, they enrolled in evening classes but realized that they still needed to practice on a daily basis. Their friend Larry suggested attending an English-speaking club, which greatly helped the speaker improve their fluency in speaking and reading skills.