Choose the correct words in italics. Franco Martinez is the CEO of Webplan, and it is the successful internet company

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Choose the correct words in italics. Franco Martinez is the CEO of Webplan, and it is the successful internet company. Webplan employs 5,000 people in Asia and Europe. Mr Martinez always arrives in the office at 8am. He has a glass of water because he doesn"t drink tea or coffee. Then he reads his emails. He has a meeting with the marketing department at 10am every day. He doesn"t often have lunch. He has a sandwich at his desk. In the afternoon he meets the design team. The employees at Webplan never work after.
в это время, как Ольга Leadgenet в шести кабинетах после шести часов работы. Он покидает офис в 6 вечера, после чего идет на тренировку в фитнес-клуб. Mr Martinez заботится о своем здоровье и регулярно тренируется. Вечером он обедает с семьей и проводит время с детьми. Он любит читать книги перед сном и обычно ложится спать в 10 часов вечера.

В данном тексте требуется выбрать правильные слова, выделенные курсивом. Таким образом, правильные варианты ответа будут замены для следующих фраз:

1. Franco Martinez is the CEO of Webplan, and it is the successful internet company.
Правильный ответ: Webplan is the successful internet company.

2. Mr Martinez always arrives in the office at 8am. He has a glass of water because he doesn"t drink tea or coffee.
Правильный ответ: Mr Martinez always arrives in the office at 8am. He has a glass of water because he doesn"t drink tea or coffee.

3. He doesn"t often have lunch. He has a sandwich at his desk.
Правильный ответ: He doesn"t often have lunch. He has a sandwich at his desk.

4. The employees at Webplan never work after this time.
Правильный ответ: The employees at Webplan never work after 6pm.

5. Ошибка в последнем предложении. Здесь нужна дополнительная информация или подсказка для выбора правильной формы глагола.