Choose the most suitable verbs from the following options to read the passage and determine the best title for

  • 45
Choose the most suitable verbs from the following options to read the passage and determine the best title for it: a) to provide f) to alter k) to transfer(2) b) to travel g) to descend l) to possess c) to transform(2) h) to perform m) to demonstrate d) to hydrate i) to tremble n) to create e) to exist j) to arrive o) to displace

The water cycle (how water transfers and undergoes changes on the Earth) is a continuous process. It is titled as a cycle because it lacks a definitive beginning or end. The water cycle is essential as it provides us with drinking water. Additionally, it aids in the growth of plants, which serve as a source of food for us. The cycle starts when warm air ascends and begins to cool down. As it descends, it precipitates, transforming into countless individual water droplets that form clouds. Eventually, the clouds...
в the distribution of heat around the Earth. The cycle begins with the process of evaporation, where water from oceans, lakes, and rivers transforms into water vapor due to the heat of the sun. This vapor rises into the atmosphere, forming clouds through the process of condensation. When the water droplets in the clouds become heavy enough, they precipitate in the form of rain or other forms of precipitation such as snow or hail. This is the process of precipitation.

Once on Earth, the water seeps into the ground, becoming groundwater, or it flows over the surface as runoff, eventually making its way back to the oceans, lakes, and rivers. This is the process of surface runoff. Another important process in the water cycle is transpiration, where plants release water vapor through their leaves, contributing to the overall moisture in the atmosphere.

All these processes work together to form a continuous cycle of water movement on Earth. The water cycle is crucial for maintaining the Earth"s ecosystems, as it allows the distribution of water resources necessary for the survival of plants, animals, and humans.

Based on the information provided, the most suitable verbs from the given options to describe the processes involved in the water cycle are: f) to alter, c) to transform, k) to transfer, g) to descend, and o) to displace.

Therefore, the most suitable title for this passage could be "The Water Cycle: Altering, Transforming, and Transferring Water on Earth." This title reflects the key processes involved in the water cycle and the continuous movement of water throughout the planet.